VLSR - VM tags with the same name belonging to different tag categories is ignored by SRM on recovery
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VLSR - VM tags with the same name belonging to different tag categories is ignored by SRM on recovery


Article ID: 380254


Updated On:


VMware Live Recovery VMware vCenter Server 7.0 VMware vCenter Server 8.0



1. This issue happens when the protected VMs are attached to manually created tags (the same tag name belonging to two or more different tag categories)

2. Running a planned migration or test recovery using SRM recovers placeholder VMs with only one tag and tag category; other tags attached to the VM at the protected site are lost or not discovered by the placeholder VM. 

3. Also, performing a reprotect & failback results in the original VM losing all of its tags and categories.


VMware Site Recovery Manager 8.X
VMware Live Site Recovery 9.X
VMware vCenter Server 7.X
VMware vCenter Server 8.X


With current SRM versions, if multiple tags having the same name is attached to a VM , SRM is ignoring the same name tag after querying the tag information for the VM. Hence, only one tag in one category is kept during the migration process. 


2024-xxxxxZ verbose vmware-dr[03952] [SRM@6876 sub=PerformanceMonitor] Starting QueryAttachedTagsOperation
2024-xxxx warning vmware-dr[03962] [SRM@6876 sub=LocalSite.LocalDsServer] QueryCategoryInfoDone: Skipping Duplicate Tag 'xxxx' found for Category 'yyyy'




Currently, if you are impacted by this issue, its because SRM is disallowing same tags across different tag categories. Ideally, when the tag categories are different, SRM must retain the tags even if the tag names are the same.  

SRM Engineering is aware of this issue and is working to release a fix for it in the upcoming release or near future.