Wrongly kicked "maestro regenerate ca/leaf --all" in TKGi
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Wrongly kicked "maestro regenerate ca/leaf --all" in TKGi


Article ID: 380235


Updated On:


VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition


TKGi official document said

  • Never use maestro regenerate ca --all
  • Never use maestro regenerate leaf --all

Scenario: TKGi administrator wrongly followed Rotate all CAs and leaf certificates.

  • Step 1,2,3,4 will be successful without error
  • Step 5: Redeploy: "APPLY CHANGE" or "APPLY CHANGE(Uncheck "Upgrade all clusters errand") + tkgi upgrade-cluster" will be failed with the error
bosh task ####
#> L Error: Action Failed get_task: Task 5bc40f88-839b-41c1-72a7-4e90bda2dcf8 result: 1 of 8 pre-start scripts failed. Failed Jobs: pks-nsx-t-prepare-master-vm. Successful Jobs: etcd, kube-apiserver, bpm, bosh-dns, ncp, pks-nsx-t-ncp, syslog_forwarder.
  • As a result, master/0 will be "stopped" state
  • This KB expects that TAS components are not running. Only TKGi basic components (BOSH, TKGi, Harbor) are running


  • Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition
  • Tanzu Ops Manager v3.X


After kicking maestro regenerate ca/leaf --all, all of the credhub managed certs will be rotated correctly, excluding both tls-nsx-lb and tls-nsx-t certs.


Follow TKGi official document to rotate tls-nsx-lb and tls-nsx-t certs.

tkgi rotate-certs ${CLUSTER_NAME} --only-nsx

After that, the target k8s cluster status will be back to "running" by "tkgi clusters"

Please resume from "Step 5. Redeploy" and ensure completion through "Step 6" and "Step 7" in Rotate all CAs and leaf certificates.