Cores per socket are automatically set to 1 by vRA Flavor, which conflicts with automated "NUMA" CPU topology feature in ESXi 8
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Cores per socket are automatically set to 1 by vRA Flavor, which conflicts with automated "NUMA" CPU topology feature in ESXi 8


Article ID: 380231


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VMware Aria Suite


vSphere 8.0 provides intelligent selection of VM hardware values such as Cores per Socket:

Cores per Socket Select whether you want the system to automatically assign the cores per socket or manually specify the numbers of cores per socket.
  • However, when using Flavor Mapping for sizing in Aria Automation  versions 8.14.0 -> 8.16.1, Aria Automation may default to setting 1 core per socket
  • In such situation, cd to the directory of VM then run "grep -i coresPerSocket *.vmx", to find the string coresPerSocket in VM's configuration file .vmx, we see this line,
    cpuid.coresPerSocket = "1"
  • vRA 8.16.0 sets cores per socket on newly-built VMs using the (mandatory) cores per socket setting on the RHS of Flavor Mappings screen.
  • How can we set newly-built VM cores per socket automatically using NUMA?


  • VMware Aria Automation 8.14.0 -> 8.16.1
  • VMware vSphere 8.0.x


From Aria Automation 8.14.0 -> 8.16.1,

  • Saving flavor mapping without mentioning the ' Cores per Socket ' configuration in UI or just specifying the explicit CPU, RAM values in VCT defaults the value of coreCount as ' 1 '



  • The issue is solved in Aria Automation 8.16.2, with additional fixes for cores per socket (regarding day2 actions) included in version 8.18.1


  • As a workaround, you may select the CPU, RAM etc. manually in the cloud template (i.e. not using a Flavor Mapping)
  • In this case, the Cores per Socket value is unset and will be chosen dynamically by vSphere
  • For a deployed VM, shutdown the VM first, then right click the VM -> VM Options -> CPU Topology -> Cores per Socket , manually change the value from "Assigned at power on" to a desired value, such as 2, 4, 8....