PowerCLI module for managing vSphere SSO Admin - Support team limitations
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PowerCLI module for managing vSphere SSO Admin - Support team limitations


Article ID: 380214


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VMware vCenter Server


The PowerShell module VMware.vSphere.SsoAdmin is a combination of .NET binary libraries that provide access to vSphere SSO Admin APIs, along with PowerShell advanced functions that offer a cmdlet-like interface for vSphere SSO Admin features. This module is released as an Open Source project, meaning it is not an official release from VMware by Broadcom.


VMware vSphere 6.x

VMware vSphere 7.x

VMware vSphere 8.x

VMware PowerCLI




Currently, there is no officially supported method to manage SSO users through PowerCLI.


This module is open-source and not an official part of PowerCLI modules listed here. For any issues with the SSO module, please submit them on GitHub here

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