org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxSerializationException: Could not deserialize pdx because the pdx serializer's fromData returned false
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org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxSerializationException: Could not deserialize pdx because the pdx serializer's fromData returned false


Article ID: 380191


Updated On:


VMware Tanzu Gemfire


The PDX deserialization is failing during function execution, with the following error message:

Reference Error message:

org.apache.geode.pdx.PdxSerializationException: Could not deserialize pdx because the pdx serializer's fromData returned false 


This applies to all versions of GemFire


There are multiple reasons for this issue:

Scenario 1: The most likely cause of the exception message “Could not deserialize pdx because the pdx serializer's fromData returned false for a pdx of class“ is that the ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer does not have a pattern that will match.

Scenario 2: Currently, ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer only allows a comma and a space to separate class patterns


For scenario 1 above Please make sure that your ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer does have a pattern that will match.

For scenario 2 above: Please check, if you are using anything other than a comma or a space to separate class patterns. This is a known issue and will be fixed in future versions of GemFire. Please subscribe to this article to get future updates.


Additional Information


Please make sure to use either a comma or a space to separate class patterns, in the configuration files.