AXA - DX Dashboard - Missing data from May
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AXA - DX Dashboard - Missing data from May


Article ID: 380183


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CA Application Experience Analytics SaaS (AXA)


Sessions shown in DX dashboard (AXA Session Events -Application Overview) for 1 week in May is 8 where as when we go to AXA (Usage and Performance), it shows 313,460,


The reason for the difference. When querying from AXA UI, we use the start_date and end_date as timestamp string, and it is not accepting a epoch time as a range query.

And in the AXA dashboard, it accepts only time format as "epoch_millis" and is not accepting timestamp as a string.


So, when querying for the two different sources but with different time format we see this difference.

For the best session count, always look out for dashboard. 


Additional Information

The session counts for both the index will not match exactly. The details that are being stored in each elastic index will be different. The index(axa_session_events) that axa dashboard has the raw session data and axa U I(axa_sessions) index has lot of other details along with the session details. axa dashboard data is the raw data that has to added to axa_session_events index. if only session details are to be looked at then its better to check for axa dashboard(ao_axa_session_events).

The retention setting for axa_session_events which is used in dashboard is 30 days.

And the sessions_1 events which is used for AXA screen is 45 days.
