External Dependency display inconsistent in Task Timeline WBS list
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External Dependency display inconsistent in Task Timeline WBS list


Article ID: 380182


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


After applying patch, still seeing issues with External Dependency on Task Timeline for projects with subprojects. Icons are not showing. Tasks show when they shouldn’t or expand a subproject shows no tasks when there are tasks


  1. Create a project Master with 3 tasks 1,2,3
  2. Have a subproject to Master Test Sub with 3 tasks A, B , C
  3. Open Test Master – go to Task Timeline in MUX
  4. Add an External Dependency from Task 1 to Test Sub Task B
  5. Expand and Collapse Test Sub in the Timeline Task List to note changes in display
  6. Note the icon comes and goes on Subproject Task A which is not having any External Dependency and also the Task is not under Test Sub anymore as if it was having an external dependency
  7. Add a new Sub Project with 3 Tasks D, E, F
  8. Now setup external dependency on Task D
  9. Note the task is still displaying under Test Sub 2 and has no icon
  10. Refresh the page
  11. Note New Task D is outside now with the icon but not Task A
  12. If you click on Expand on Test Sub 2, nothing is expanded or displayed


Expected Results: Throughout the testing to consistently see the external dependency task in the correct place even if expanding/collapsing. See the icon correctly displayed, and also see the tasks upon expanding the subprojects

Actual Results: Inconsistent display on Task Timeline view – External dependency set on wrong task, expending does not show actual tasks, refresh needed to show updates done

Workaround: Refresh the browser or none


Clarity 16.2.3,




DE155255 is fixed in Clarity 16.3.1 and patches (patch 2), (patch 1)