Level Set PTF versus CARS Level Questions
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Level Set PTF versus CARS Level Questions


Article ID: 380173


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  1. Is a CARS Level tested before it is published?
  2. Is a Level Set PTF tested before it is published?
  3. What is the main difference or advantage to upgrading to a given Level Set PTF vs. a CARS Level? 
  4. In today's APAR/PTF identification scheme, is the numeric portion the same just the first two letters are different?  For example, for PTF LU13376 was the corresponding APAR that it originated from Lx13376? 
  5. What if you don't know what the current CARS level is?





  1. Yes, we test the CARS levels in our internal labs against IBM quarterly RSU levels.
  2. Yes, a Level Set PTF is tested internally before it is released. 
  3. A Level Set PTFs includes a requisite list of all published PTFs in the release stream and PREREQ statements for previous Level Set PTFs, ensuring that your product is current with maintenance.
    A CARS level is not cumulative, so if you are at CARS2401, to get to CARS2409 you must apply each of the monthly CARS levels
    in between (CARS2402, CARS2403, CARS2404, CARS2405, CARS2406, CARS2407, CARS2408).
  4. In the Dependencies section of a published PTF, it will show the APAR number that it SUPerseded
    For example:
    In the published PTF LU13376 under Dependencies it shows  APAR LT13376 with a Fix Type: SUP
    Solution Number             Fix Type
    LT13376                         SUP
  5.  If you do not know what  your current CARS level is you can specify:
     SOURCEID(CAR*)  in order to pull all of them in since they are not cumulative.

    For example:

    APPLY CHECK          
         FORFMID (
                  CAILF10 /*CA IDEAL CA DATACOM  */
                  CAI4F10 /*CA-IDEAL-DATACOM-MVS */


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