Accepting Multiple License Files in the EDR Server
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Accepting Multiple License Files in the EDR Server


Article ID: 380167


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Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


This article contains a cblicense utility hotfix that allows multiple licenses to be applied to the EDR server on the backend. The utility will merge multiple license files into a single license file that can be applied.


  • Carbon Black EDR Server: 7.7.0 to 7.8.1


The EDR Server can only accept a single license file. Depending on how the purchase order is created, multiple licenses can be generated through the licensing system and applying a single license can display a lower sensor count than purchased.  


Installing the Hotfix

Note: This only applies to 7.7.0 to 7.8.1 versions of the product. Please upgrade the server before using this utility if the server is below these supported version for this utility. Any version after these listed will have the fix included. 

  1. Download the attached zip file (
  2. Unzip the file and copy the "CBEDR-lic-HF1-patch-srv-1-1.noarch.rpm" to the EDR server backend. 
  3. Stop the EDR server
    /usr/share/cb/cbservice cb-enterprise stop
    /usr/share/cb/cbcluster stop
  4. Install the RPM
    rpm -ivh --force CBEDR-lic-HF1-patch-srv-1-1.noarch.rpm
  5. Start the EDR server
    /usr/share/cb/cbservice cb-enterprise start
    /usr/share/cb/cbcluster start

Applying multiple licenses

  1. Create a directory on the EDR server and place the multiple license files inside this directory
    mkdir /tmp/license_files
  2. Merge the license files
    /usr/share/cb/cblicense --merge /tmp/license_files/
  3. A "merged_server.lic" file will be created. Apply the single license file
    /usr/share/cb/cblicense -a /tmp/license_files/merged_server.lic

Additional Information

  • Hotfix CRE-19364
  • There is no impact to the server with this hotfix.
  • The hotfix does not contain any other product updates.
  • The license count and expiration notification may take up to 30min to display the update. To confirm the change is in place, run the utility with the dump command.
    /usr/share/cb/cblicense -d /etc/cb/server.lic

Attachments get_app