Aria Automation 8.18.x Change owner fails for deployments onboarded with attached disks
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Aria Automation 8.18.x Change owner fails for deployments onboarded with attached disks


Article ID: 380166


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • After onboarding deployments to Aria Automation 8.18.x, performing a change owner produces an error:

ClassNotFoundException: Provider for cannot be found


  • Aria Automation 8.18.x


  • Resources in Catalog DB found that properties JSON for this entity does not have the projectAuthLink and ownerAuthLink properties set.
  • This can be checked with running below command in catalog-db: 

select * from dep_resource_data drd where resource_id = '<resource_id>';

#resource_id is a disk, "ownerAuthLink": null, "__...", "project AuthLink": null




         This issue is Fixed in 8.18.1 however we need to perform the following steps to resolve the issue. 

  • Initiate a fresh onboarding of VM/Deployment in Aria Automation 8.18.1 and perform the Day 2 action of 'Change Owner' . 
  • A "Change Owner" Day 2 action will not work on a previously onboarded VM/Deployment prior to upgrading to version 8.18.1      





         This is a known issue and there are two workarounds available:

  • Option A.
    • Change the project of the affected deployment (to a different or new project) --> change the project of the deployment back to the original project --> then perform the change owner.
  • Option B.
  • Manually update the ownerAuthLink and projectAuthLink in provisioning-db:
    • select * from disk_state ds where document_self_link = '/resources/disks/<resouce_id>';

      -confirm ownerAuthLink and projectAuthLink are null
    • update disk_state set project_auth_link = '<Project_Auth_Link>' where document_self_link = '/resources/disks/<resource_id>';
    • update disk_state set owner_auth_link = '<Owner_Auth_Link>' where document_self_link = '/resources/disks/<resource_id>';
    • select tenant_links from disk_state ds where document_self_link = '/resources/disks/<resource_id>';
    • update disk_state set tenant_links = '[<tenant_links_from_above_query_response> "<ProjectAuthLink>", "OwnerAuthLink"]' where document_self_link = '/resources/disks/<resource_id>';
    • Attempt to perform change owner.
  • Option A is recommended.