With the introduction of the pms2.0.0 first made available in Layer7_API_Gateway_v11.1.1.zip, sometimes the order of applying patches were accidently applied incorrectly and resolved in getting error messages like "Patch operation failed : Patch API Error: Certificate is not trusted for signing patches" during the upload of a patch.
To resolve this issue, sometimes pms1 was forcefully reinstalled after the pms2.0.0 has been uploaded and installed. Then when the system is ready to re-install the pms2.0.0, the following message is seen during the upload of the pms2.0.0:
Please wait while the patch is uploaded ...
Patch operation failed : Patch API Error: Cannot overwrite patch when status is INSTALLED
API Gateway 11.x Software Appliance, Software Installation form factors
To allow the pms2.0.0 to be re-uploaded and re-installed, one needs to first remove the status file maintained as the initial attempt of the pms2.0.0 installation that is under /opt/SecureSpan/PatchManagement/var/patches and then proceed normally to re-install the pms2.0.0.
The status file is named using the format of Layer7_API_PMS_<<OSTYPE>>_v2.0.0-<<TIMESTAMP>>.status