How to force re-insetall pms2.0.0?
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How to force re-insetall pms2.0.0?


Article ID: 380138


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CA API Gateway


With the introduction of the pms2.0.0 first made available in, sometimes the order of applying patches were accidently applied incorrectly and resolved in getting error messages like "Patch operation failed : Patch API Error: Certificate is not trusted for signing patches" during the upload of a patch.

To resolve this issue, sometimes pms1 was forcefully reinstalled after the pms2.0.0 has been uploaded and installed. Then when the system is ready to re-install the pms2.0.0, the following message is seen during the upload of the pms2.0.0:

Please wait while the patch is uploaded ...
Patch operation failed : Patch API Error: Cannot overwrite patch when status is INSTALLED



API Gateway 11.x Software Appliance, Software Installation form factors


To allow the pms2.0.0 to be re-uploaded and re-installed, one needs to first remove the status file maintained as the initial attempt of the pms2.0.0 installation that is under /opt/SecureSpan/PatchManagement/var/patches and then proceed normally to re-install the pms2.0.0.

The status file is named using the format of Layer7_API_PMS_<<OSTYPE>>_v2.0.0-<<TIMESTAMP>>.status