on vSphere Replication appliance configuration file /opt/vmware/hms/conf/hms-configuration.xml, hms-auto-install-hbragent-vib parameter is set to false
Enter the required parameters:
Notes: You only need to copy domain-c<number> part of the URL. For example: When you navigate to cluster in vSphere client, your URL will be similar to this: https://<fqdn-of-vCenter-server>/ui/app/cluster;nav=h/urn:vmomi:ClusterComputeResource:domain-c31:ce4a7b9f-768c-2222-3333-fe50bd6341c8/summary. You only need to copy domain-c31 to use in the steps below.
Notes: You only need to copy xxxxxxxx which is the vib version. As an example, for VMware-HBR-Agent-8.0.3-0.0.24143343-depot.zip, "xxxxxxxx"= "8.0.3-0.0.24143343". (see attached file request_body.json)