The following issues are observed on the vCenter Server:
1. While trying to migrate a virtual machine to a different datastore, the 'Select storage' page keeps loading and does not show datastore to pick from the list.
2. When creating a new virtual machine, 'Select storage' page just keeps validating until it fails with error: "No storage is available for the selected compute resource".
In the /var/log/vmware/vpxd/vpxd.log
, we see the
[YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM] warning vpxd[07499] [Originator@6**6 sub=InvtHostCnx opID=HostSync-<host moid>-*****197] Exception occurred during host sync; Got method fault; [vim.HostSystem:<host moid>,<hostname in fqdn>], e: N3Vim5Fault15PasswordExpired9ExceptionE(Fault cause: vim.fault.PasswordExpired
This issue is caused by an out of sync ESXi host in the vCenter Server.
Disconnect and reconnect the impacted host in vCenter Server.
Note: Before implementing the action plan, put the host in to maintenance mode to ensure the virtual machines are evacuated from the host.
In the vpxd logs you may have a disconnected host.grep "Failed to login on host" vpxd.log | less
grep "Exception occurred during host sync" vpxd.log | less
Example:[YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM] error vpxd[28844] [Originator@6**6 sub=Vmomi opID=HostSync-<host moid>-*****188] Failed to login on host; <<last binding: <<TCP ' : 54088'>, <TCP ' : 443'>>>, /sdk>, N3Vim5Fault15PasswordExpired9ExceptionE(Fault cause: vim.fault.PasswordExpired
To identify what host is out of sync from the logs, connect to the vCenter database and run this query:
To connect to VCDB:/opt/vmware/vpostgres/current/bin/psql -d VCDB -U postgres
Run the query:select id,dns_name from vpx_host where id='<Host moid>';
Example:select id,dns_name from vpx_host where id='12345';