Maintenance after latest Datacom Level set PTF
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Maintenance after latest Datacom Level set PTF


Article ID: 380074


Updated On:


Datacom Datacom/DB Datacom/AD Datacom/Server IPC Ideal


Where is the latest Level Set PTF located and what is the process to find maintenance after the latest Level Set PTF.


New Features section in our documentation shows which PTF number is associated with the level set number. 

To find PTFs after the latest level set, perform the following below:

  1. Locate the latest level set PTF
  2. Search the PTF on and note down the published date
  3. Go to
  4. Go to My Downloads
  5. Select Datacom
  6. Tab over to the solutions tab on the top
  7. Select Datacom MVS release
  8. Filter out applicable components (varies site by site)
  9. Filter all PTFs after the published date of the latest level set PTF