Backup/tech-support files or logs may not be scped between controllers
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Backup/tech-support files or logs may not be scped between controllers


Article ID: 380062


Updated On:


VMware Avi Load Balancer


The symptoms for this issue can vary from the following:

Symptom 1: Config backup is enabled but not files being generated in the UI. From the controller bash, we can see the files are correctly generated under /var/lib/avi/backups directory

Symptom 2: Debug logs collection completes but no file is generated. 


Symptom 3: VS logs not loading in the UI


Steps to verify if we are hitting this issue

Check the status of aviscp_server service from the controller bash. This can be done by using the command systemctl status aviscp_server.service

If the service is in failed state on any of the 3 controller nodes, then the environment is running into this issue. 


Affects 22.1.x releases before 22.1.6 and 30.x.x releases before 30.2.1


This issue is caused because the aviscp service failure policies are incorrectly set on the cluster follower members. Hence if the aviscp_server service is terminated, it cannot be restarted thus leading to scp failure(s).


Bug is fixed in 22.1.6 and 30.2.1 releases. 

Workaround is to manually restart the aviscp_server service using the below command
systemctl restart aviscp_server.service

If the service is not able to restarted, please reach out to support team for further assistance.