VECO: Edge Certificate Manual Renew "Issued On" date is 24 hours behind from actual Manual Renew date
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VECO: Edge Certificate Manual Renew "Issued On" date is 24 hours behind from actual Manual Renew date


Article ID: 379988


Updated On:


VMware Edge Cloud Orchestrator


When you manually renew an edge certificate, you will observe the "Issued On" date is 24 hours away from actual Renew date.


For example, in the illustrations below for a lab edge, this edge had a manual certificate renew done on Oct 17, 2024, 9:23:29 PM UTC, but the VECO UI will display the certificate as renewed 24 hours behind from the actual renewal date. As per below "Issued on" date is displayed as Oct 16, 2024, 9:23:23 PM UTC although events display certificate was set on Oct 17, 2024, 9:23:29 PM UTC.




This is per design and is expected. The reported datetime difference is by design to prevent timing errors system-wide. The date displayed on UI states the certificate becomes valid from that moment onward. Having set it a day behind in case there are any potential time discrepancies among devices, so it prevents any issues with the cert renewal process.