The SCM Agent tries to start, then fails with the following error:
HAgent | <date> <time> | ERROR: TipcConnCreateServer() failed (ec = 98[C]).
HAgent | <date> <time> | ---- stopped ----
Harvest Software Change Manager all versions
We found that another application had control of the port that the Agent wanted to use.
Disabling the other application resolved the problem.
The other option would be to reconfigure SCM Agent to use a different port. This can be done by modifying the HAgent.arg file and updating the "-port=" option, or if you specify the agent's port on the command line, updating your command to use a different port. For example: agntd -port=#### ...
Information on the options that can be used when starting and configuring the SCM agent can be found here: Configure Broker and Server on UNIX, Linux, and zLinux, beginning with the section titled "Start a Multi-User Agent"