What is the best way to render the group field to be required in Service Desk Tickets
All Releases of SDM
The following options control the creation of tickets without a group specified:
Option: require_change_group
Application: Change Order Mgr
Description: Makes the Group field of a change order ticket required
Option: require_issue_group
Application: Issue Mgr
Description: Makes the Group field of an issue ticket required
Option: require_incident_group
Application: Request Mgr
Description: Makes the Group field of an incident ticket required
Option: require_request_group
Application: Request Mgr
Description: Makes the Group field of a request ticket required
Option: require_problem_group
Application: Request Mgr
Description: Makes the Group field of a problem ticket required
Additional information on Options Manager is available.
The above options apply to users in the Analyst role. Users in the Employee role or other non-Analyst type roles will not be affected by the above options