Unable to activate/deactivate user from the user context menu 'More'
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Unable to activate/deactivate user from the user context menu 'More'


Article ID: 379910


Updated On:


CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine


Using the function 'Deactivate' from the context menu 'More' in the user panel does not work.

A trial to use this function does not change anything and AWI returns a warning:

The same happens when the user is deactivated and an attempt is made to activate the user over the same context menu.


This feature does not work in the following versions of AWI: 12.3, 21.0 and 24.0


This is a defect of the AWI 



Unchecking the checkbox 'User is active' in the Panel 'General' in the settings of the user works


Solution :

A fix will is planed to be delivered in AWI 24.3.0 (Delivery scheduled for the end of November 2024)

Additional Information

Bug ID: DE155004

Bug Text: 24.2 unable to deactivate/activate user on user screen