After applying some SYSVIEW maintenance, receive this message at SYSVIEW startup:
GSVX998E (JVMDATA) USS$032E File or directory access not permitted
SYSVIEW 17.0 - z/OS supported releases -
The USS$032E message is related to the new PTF LU14493.
According to SYSVIEW documenttaion:
Enhanced Monitoring Insights for JVMs Running on z/OS:
The JVM component was enhanced to provide the following monitoring insights capabilities:
Enhanced Java Version Discovery:
The process whereby SYSVIEW detects JVMs on z/OS and the Java version for each JVM was improved to read version information from the file named "release" in the Java home directory.
The user ID running the main SYSVIEW address space requires READ access to this file. By default, IBM Java installations define universal READ access to this file. When the SYSVIEW user ID does not have READ access, you can still extract the Java version information using the old process.
This message is saying that either the SYSVIEW user id does not have access to the release file or the file does not exist.
You can check that file path reported in the error message to determine if a file named release exists at that location.