Workload Domain deletion fails with an error "Cannot complete login due to an incorrect username or password."
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Workload Domain deletion fails with an error "Cannot complete login due to an incorrect username or password."


Article ID: 379881


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Foundation 5.x


During the workflow of the Workload Domain deletion process, at the validation stage in identifying the nodes managed by SDDC manager, it attempts to reach each node taking a note of its configuration. During this stage, if authentication fails, the error message is thrown that reads as "Cannot complete login due to an incorrect user name or password." against the specific node. In this case, the validation failed for vCenter server that was managed by VI Workload Domain.

Starting from VMware Cloud Foundation 5.2, the authentication is performed towards an SVC account. Below mentioned are the steps to identify the cause with reference logs and how to resolve the same. 

Initiating Domain removal task

DEBUG [vcf_dm,######] [c.v.v.d.f.DMFunctionality,http-nio-]  Using handler DomainsPatchHandler
DEBUG [vcf_dm,######] [c.v.v.d.f.h.DomainsPatchHandler,http-nio-] Computing functionality for DOMAINS PATCH with request: {"markForDeletion":true}
DEBUG [vcf_dm,######] [c.v.e.s.c.s.a.i.InventoryServiceAdapterImpl,http-nio-] Fetching VxRail Managers data from inventory
DEBUG [vcf_dm,######] [c.v.v.d.f.h.DomainsPatchHandler,http-nio-]  SKU: EMS
DEBUG [vcf_dm,######] [c.v.v.d.f.h.DomainsPatchHandler,http-nio-]  Operation type: MARK_FOR_DELETION
DEBUG [vcf_dm,######] [c.v.v.f.t.i.FunctionalityToggleApiFilter,http-nio-]  Found functionality: MARK_REMOVE_DOMAIN, is context dependent: true

Task Exectuion to delete domain 

DEBUG [vcf_dm,######] [,http-nio-]  Found recipe DayNGuardrails at location jar:file:/opt/vmware/vcf/domainmanager/vcf-domain-manager.jar!/BOOT-INF/lib/sddcmanager/sddcmanager-common/sddcmanager-services-is/libsddcmanager-services-is.jar!/com/vmware/evo/sddc/common/services/recipes/assessmentlambda/DayNGuardrails.json

DEBUG [vcf_dm,######] [c.v.e.s.o.c.ProcessingTaskSubscriber,dm-exec-20]  Invoking task GetNsxtClusterStatusAction. Description: Get NSX cluster status, Plugin: SddcManagerPlugin, ParamBuilder null, Input map: {domainId=domainId}, Id: ###### ...
DEBUG [vcf_dm,######] [c.v.e.s.o.c.c.ContractParamBuilder,dm-exec-20]  Contract task Get NSX cluster status input: {"domainId":"######"}
DEBUG [vcf_dm,######] [c.v.v.c.f.p.n.s.s.CredentialMgmtServiceImpl,dm-exec-20]  Retrieve credentials for id ###### entityType NSXT_MANAGER credentialType API
DEBUG [vcf_dm,######] [c.v.v.c.f.p.n.h.NsxtCommonOperations,dm-exec-20]  Waiting 60000 ms for NSX cluster status to be stable

DEBUG [vcf_dm,######] [c.v.v.c.f.p.n.h.NsxtCommonOperations,dm-exec-20]  Finished waiting for NSX cluster status to be stable, currentState is true

DEBUG [vcf_dm,######] [,dm-exec-14]  Field RemoveViHeader____3__DayNGuardrails____6__skipExecution in SpEL expression RemoveViHeader____3__DayNGuardrails____6__skipExecution is not defined. Setting value to null.

Failure -

:43.671 DEBUG [vcf_dm,######] [c.v.vcf.assessment.sdk.LambdaService,dm-exec-14]  DAY_N_GUARDRAILS check type DELETE_DOMAIN ###### status is FAIL
:43.671 ERROR [vcf_dm,######] [c.v.vcf.assessment.sdk.LambdaService,dm-exec-14]  Lambda task ###### failed due to {"errorCode":"ASSESSMENT_CANNOT_ADD_CONNECTION_WITH_CAUSE","arguments":["VC-FQDN","Cannot complete login due to an incorrect username or password."],"message":"*****","cause":[{"type":"java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException","message":"(vim.fault.InvalidLogin) {\n   faultCause = null,\n   faultMessage = null\n}"},{"type":"com.vmware.vim.binding.vim.fault.InvalidLogin","message":"Cannot complete login due to an incorrect user name or password."}],"referenceToken":"*****"}
:43.678 ERROR [vcf_dm,######] [c.v.v.a.s.AssessmentLambdaServiceClient,dm-exec-14]  Encountered exception while executing guardrail validations
    checkSetType: DAY_N_GUARDRAILS
    domainIds: [######]
    targets: [class CheckTargetRest {
        type: DELETE_DOMAIN
        resourceId: ######


VMware Cloud Foundation 5.2


SVC account for vCenter server status shows as ‘Disconnected’ due to password expiry.


  • Navigate to Password Manager in SDDC UI
  • Click on three dots besides affected svc account
  • Choose 'Remediate' operation providing new password