<Timestamp> warning hostd[*******] [Originator@6876 sub=Hostsvc.NetworkProvider] Skip saving dvport [VDS Name] to [Datastore Name] [VM name]/.dvsData/<DVS UUID>/<Port UUID>: file not accessible
In(05) vmx - Fail to connect dvport for 'ethernet[N]'.<Timestamp>
In(05) vcpu-0 - VMXNET3 user: failed to connect Ethernet[N] to network <Logical switch UUID>.<Timestamp>
In(05) vcpu-0 - [msg.device.startdisconnected] Virtual device 'Ethernet[N]' will start disconnected.VMware NSX-T prior to 3.2.2
It is a known issue that NSX port files are not created if NVDS is migrated to VDS without migrating VMs to other ESXi.
The port files should be created in /vmfs/<Datastore>/<VM directory>/.dvsData/<DVS UUID>/<Port UUID>.
However NSX fails to create the files on NVDS to VDS migration if VMs are on the ESXi.
Without the port files, ESXi can not restore the NSX ports after reboot and VMs can not connect to the NSX ports.
The issue is not seen if NVDS is migrated to VDS with NSX-T 3.2.2 and later.
If you can not upgrade NSX-T before the migration: