The capacity of ‘/var/log/store’ directory in the Harbor Virtual Machine has increased.
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The capacity of ‘/var/log/store’ directory in the Harbor Virtual Machine has increased.


Article ID: 379792


Updated On:


VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated (TKGi)


Manual image deletion from the ‘Harbor User Interface’, space is not automatically freed up.

After the deletion of images in the 'Harbor', disk space for '/var/log/store' is not reclaimed.


Harbor version 2.10.0

Vmware's Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated (TKGI) version 1.18.2


The root cause of the issue is that Harbor’s garbage collection process has not been triggered. The deletion of images from the UI only marks them as eligible for deletion, but the actual disk space is not reclaimed until garbage collection is run.


To fully delete the images and reclaim disk space, you need to run Harbor's garbage collection.

Below are the steps:

  1. Log in to the Harbor interface with an account that has Harbor system administrator privileges.
  2. Expand Administration, and select Garbage Collection/Clean Up.
  3. Select the ‘Garbage Collection’ tab.
  4. To run garbage collection immediately, click GC Now. When you run garbage collection, Harbor goes into read-only mode. All modifications to the registry are prohibited.
  5. Verify the Space Reclamation:

    After the garbage collection completes, verify the space reclaimed on the /var/log/store directory :

    df -h /var/log/store

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