credentialRoles API Output Not Listing All Roles
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credentialRoles API Output Not Listing All Roles


Article ID: 379766


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CA Privileged Access Manager (PAM)


Prior to 4.1.7, the external CLI was used to list all Credential Manager roles. Since the credentialRoles API was added in 4.1.7, an administrator was testing it and discovered that the output was missing one or more CM roles that were in the CLI output.


Privileged Access Manager 4.1.7, 4.1.8, 4.2.x


When reviewing the API Doc page in the PAM GUI, the page states that there is a default value of 30 if no value is given. In this case, the environment had more than 30 CM roles.


Include limit=0 when making the GET credentialRoles API call if the environment has more than 30 roles.

Additional Information

The default limit of 30 also applies to the new credentialUserGroups APIs introduced in the 4.1.7 release.