A memory leak was introduced to the route registrar job in routing release 0.305.0. The route registrar job is present on the following VMs: cloud_controller, diego_database, log_cache, loggregator_trafficcontroller, mysql_proxy, nfs_server, and uaa.
In a test environment, route registrar’s memory grew at the rate of 125 MB a day (3.7 GB a month).
Customers can monitor their VMs’ memory usage and restart the process as necessary. Routing release 0.315.0 has a fix and will be out in TAS soon.
TAS version 6.0.10 and 4.0.30 include routing release 0.315.0 with a fix for the memory leak.
If upgrade to a version with a fix is not possible, as a workaround running monit restart
on the route_registrar
job will free the extra memory. This will not impact uptime or disrupt service. Since the memory leak is slow growing, restarting the job will effectively mitigate the issue. Please see the following script as inspiration for the mitigation.
for vm in "${vms[@]}"; do
echo "Connecting to ${vm}..."
if bosh ssh "${vm}" --command "sudo monit restart route_registrar"; then
echo "Successfully restarted route_registrar on ${vm}."
echo "Failed to restart route_registrar on ${vm}."