Adding host to an imported cluster gives “Each hostSystemSpec must include a 'vmnicToVdsNameMap' with at least 2 unique vmnics.”
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Adding host to an imported cluster gives “Each hostSystemSpec must include a 'vmnicToVdsNameMap' with at least 2 unique vmnics.”


Article ID: 379728


Updated On:


VMware SDDC Manager


If a cluster with less than 2 uplinks per vds is imported using the brownfield import tool, an error stating “Each hostSystemSpec must include a 'vmnicToVdsNameMap' with at least 2 unique vmnics.” will be encountered when trying to add a host to the cluster. 

This is a vcf requirement that will need to be addressed before the add host operation can be completed successfully


VCF 5.2


  1. Create a valid uplink in vsphere for those host that have less than 2 uplinks
  2. Download the vcf-brownfield-import toolset onto the SDDC Manager VM open the directory via an SSH session
    cd /home/vcf/vcf-brownfield-import-x-y-z/vcf-brownfield-toolset

  3. Run the script using the following command to sync the vCenter and SDDC Manager inventory.
    python3 sync --domain-name '<domain-name>' --local-admin-password '<password>'