12/31/2023 fixed date displayed in the DevTest 10.8 Inspection View
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12/31/2023 fixed date displayed in the DevTest 10.8 Inspection View


Article ID: 379717


Updated On:


Service Virtualization


After upgrading to DevTest 10.8, when looking at the Inspection View, it is showing the wrong date for all virtual services. All virtual services show a date of 12/31/2023.


DevTest 10.8


This is resolved in patch phoenix-10.8.0-DE617834.war. Please contact the Support team for a copy of the patch.

  1. Stop Portal and other services.

  2. Download patch phoenix-10.8.0-DE617834.war from the support case.

  3. Place phoenix-10.8.0-DE617834.war into the <Devtest-home>/webserver/patches folder.
    If the patches folder doesn't exist, it will need to be manually created.

  4. Restart Portal and other services.

  5. Verify the fix.