During troubleshooting of existing MGMT cluster and workload cluster connected to the TMC deregister operation have been initiated
After the cluster was registered again the workload cluster window is empty
TKGm 2.x
K8s 1.x
TMC 1.3
To confirm the issue a cycle of deregister - register operation might have to be implemented
Logs can be collected for TMC namespace form all pods:
kubectl get pods -n vmware-system-tmc -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{" "}{.spec.containers[].name}{"\n"}{end}' | while read pod containers; do
for container in $containers; do
echo "Logs for pod: $pod, container: $container"
kubectl logs $pod -c $container -n vmware-system-tmc
done > TMC-pods.log
There are two pods that are of interest resource-retriever and sync-agent:
ag -f "Logs for pod"
1:Logs for pod: agent-updater-xxxxxx, container: agent-updater
14:Logs for pod: agentupdater-workload-xxxxxx, container: agentupdater-workload
19:Logs for pod: agentupdater-workload-xxxxxx, container: agentupdater-workload
21:Logs for pod: cluster-health-extension-xxxxxx, container: cluster-health-extension
81:Logs for pod: extension-manager-xxxxxx, container: extension-manager
325:Logs for pod: extension-updater-xxxxxx, container: extension-updater
462:Logs for pod: intent-agent-xxxxxx, container: intent-agent
501:Logs for pod: lcm-tkg-extension-xxxxxx, container: manager
513:Logs for pod: lcm-tkg-operator-xxxxxxx, container: manager
530:Logs for pod: resource-retriever-xxxxxx, container: manager
616:Logs for pod: sync-agent-xxxxxx, container: sync-agent
814:Logs for pod: tmc-auto-attach-xxxxxx, container: tmc-auto-attach
Check for any errors in these pods:
Under resources-retreiver the respective log indicate problem to access the vcenter from the Pod:
{"component":"renderer-controller","error":"unable to render Option vmware-system-tmc/options: unable to synchronize child resources in datacenter \"<DATACENTER>\": failed to list template vms: Post \"https://<VCENTERIP>/sdk\": context deadline exceeded","file":"-20220523233716-da367aa59859/pkg/logr/logrus/logrus-logr.go:55","func":"logrus.logrusWrapper.Error","level":"error","msg":"Reconciler error","reconcileID":"7fa70513-7322-4f3d-bf1d-a761087b98cd","time":"2024-10-07T16:33:20Z"}
This error indicates a failed check and as result the workload clusters cannot be added successfully to the TMC portal
There are two possible causes
For option 1:
Verify by connecting to the resource-retreiver pod using debug to validate if you can connect to the vcenter:
kubectl debug -it resource-retreiver-XXX --image=IMAGEREGISTRY/netshoot --copy-to mypod-debugger --share-processes
verify if connectivity from the pod to the vcenter is successful
Try and fix the connectivity problem and retry the registration.
For Option 2:
From vcenter try and run the API call get all vms
Depends on the time for the report to be complete consider if too long this could be the possible cause for the issue
Contact Tanzu support for assistance