FlexReport to view Fargate Task based on SyntheticID
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FlexReport to view Fargate Task based on SyntheticID


Article ID: 379685


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Unfortunately the SyntheticID is not part of the CUR  so it cannot be filtered directly. 
Synthetic ID's are aggregates of multiple Fargate Tasks, Synthetic IDs aggregates tasks along with data points from the CUR _ lineItem_Operation, lineItem_UsageAccountId, product_region, lineItem_LineItemType and tags


The following items are used to form Fargate synthetic ID's -

    • lineItem_Operation

    • lineItem_UsageAccountId

    • product_region

    • lineItem_LineItemType

      However we can create FlexReport to list ARNs (using LineItem ResourceID) that comprise Fargate tasks. This can be further filtered as needed:

      Flexreport Query:

        "sqlStatement": "SELECT timeInterval_Month AS Month, SUM(lineItem_UnblendedCost) AS SUM_lineItem_UnblendedCost, product_ProductName AS Product_ProductName, lineItem_LineItemDescription AS LineItem_LineItemDescription, lineItem_Operation AS LineItem_Operation, lineItem_ResourceId AS LineItem_ResourceId, lineItem_UsageAccountId AS LineItem_UsageAccountId FROM AWS_CUR WHERE (product_ProductName LIKE '%Amazon Elastic Container Service%') AND (lineItem_Operation IN ('FargateTask')) GROUP BY timeInterval_Month, product_ProductName, lineItem_LineItemDescription, lineItem_Operation, lineItem_ResourceId, lineItem_UsageAccountId ORDER BY SUM_lineItem_UnblendedCost DESC",
        "needBackLinkingForTags": true,
        "dataGranularity": "MONTHLY",
        "timeRange": {
          "last": 1,
          "excludeCurrent": true
        "limit": -1