what commands or queries are used by the websphere_mq probe?
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what commands or queries are used by the websphere_mq probe?


Article ID: 379608


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


In order to understand the metrics for the websphere_mq probe we would like to know the backend queries or commands executed by the probe to retrieve the metric data.


IBM Websphere MQ 9.x

DX UIM - Any version


The websphere_mq probe uses IBM MQ programmable command format (PCF) commands to get information from IBM MQ .

Per IBM, PCF commands and their replies are not in a text format that you can read.  

For example, The Inquire Queue Manager Status (MQCMD_INQUIRE_Q_MGR_STATUS) PCF command inquires about the status of the local queue manager.

The response of this command is used to calculate the below metrics:

QOS_QUEUE_MANAGER_CHANNEL_INITIATOR_STATUS :    Read the value of the attribute 1232 from response 
QOS_QUEUE_MANAGER_COMMAND_SERVER_STATUS :     Read the value of the attribute 1233  from response
QOS_QUEUE_MANAGER_UP_TIME :  Read the value of the attribute QueueManagerUpTime  from response


Most values in the probe are retrieved in this fashion, where the metric corresponds to a specific attribute number in a response that can potentially contain thousands of attributes.  There is no way to validate the output in a human-readable format -- that is what the probe itself is designed to do, retrieving the non-human-readable details from IBM Websphere MQ and presenting them in a useful way (through QoS metrics).




Additional Information

More information about PCF commands is available from IBM