Symantec Messaging Gateway Alert - User preference replication errors
Messaging Gateway
This is in relation to the authentication function with the data source. An authentication data source provides end-user functions such as end-user preferences, end-user access to spam quarantine, and SMTP authentication. The admin should let user User Preferences, such as personal language settings and good and bad sender lists based on email address. The authentication must also be enabled.
The replication of user preference data as per article below:
The number of alerts can be reduced or totally disabled if the user considers they don't influence SMG and admin doesn't to pay attention for it:
However, if the user wants to check if there is no communication issue between scanner and control center, he must collect diagnostic logs and send us for analysis.
The error looks as follows or similar:
User preference replication errors:
Host Start Status
Unknown Wednesday, Sep 25, 2024 12:00:13 AM CATFailed
In logs you find the following information:
No route to host (Host unreachable) : IP XX.XX.XX.XX
It means that there was a communication issue between the control center and the scanner