VM was in hung state, storage/usage was showing 0B in vCenter UI.
2024-09-21T12:01:00.674Z cpu37:2731967)WARNING: FS3J: 3297: Error committing txn callerID: 0xc1d0000f to slot 1: Address temporarily unmapped
2024-09-21T12:01:00.674Z cpu37:2731967)Fil6: 4076: 'Data_Store_Name': Fil6 file IO (<FD c20 r25>) : Address temporarily unmapped
2024-09-21T12:01:00.674Z cpu37:2731967)Fil6: 4042: ioCtx: 0x45ba6dd994c0, world: 2731967, overallStatus: Address temporarily unmapped.
VMware vSphere ESXi 7.x
The logs show errors such as "Address temporarily unmapped," which suggests that the underlying storage might have temporarily become inaccessible, possibly due to datastore expand/extend operation.
Lack of a rescan after changes results in the ESXi host not seeing the correct size, results in the VM's files being inaccessible at the time of the IO operation.
Please note not all Virtual machines running on the datastore which was recently extended/expanded will be affected and it depends on the IO operation VM was performing at that point in time.
Steps to RESCAN storage: