When starting the Java os agent on Linux, The log includes a line like:
U02012087 2012087? UTF-8|
Looking in the uc.msl file, there is no entry for U02012087
Java agent on Linux prior to 21.0.12
Defect with missing msl line
The line has been re-added to the ucx.msl file in 21.0.12
Add the following lines between
02012086 and 02013000:
02012087DIStandardzeichensatz der Java Laufzeit Umgebung: '&01'
02012087EIJava Runtime Environment default charset: '&01'
It should look fully like:
02012086FEERREUR : la version de Java '&01' n'est pas prise en charge par ce programme. Installez une version superieure a Java '&02' et relancez le programme.
02012087DIStandardzeichensatz der Java Laufzeit Umgebung: '&01'
02012087EIJava Runtime Environment default charset: '&01'