Disabled "Create children" folder permission still allows the creation of items in the folder
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Disabled "Create children" folder permission still allows the creation of items in the folder


Article ID: 379488


Updated On:


IT Management Suite


There is an issue where Security roles with disabled 'Folder Permission' - 'Create Children" are still able to create Items in this folder on main "Filters" page.

Steps to duplicate:

  1. Perform an AD import of "Roles and Accounts" from your AD
  2. Go to Manage > Filters > create there own custom root folder and two sub-folders and this custom root folder > create custom filter in each sub-folder.
  3. Go to "Roles" page and clone default "Symantec Administrators" role > remove there NSAppIdentity account and add any Domain Admin account in this cloned role.
  4. Open Security role manager for this cloned role > choose "Filters" in drop-down menu and remove all default enabled permissions from root "Filters" folder > save changes.
    Now click "+" and select there your custom root folder > click "OK" > now enable "Create Children" permission for one of sub-folders and one of sub-folders has disabled "Create Children" permission > save changes.

  5. Login to SMP Console using account from cloned Symantec Administrators role > go to "Manage" > "Filters" > right click on folder that has disabled "Create Children" folder permission > see result, you still can create items there but should not.
  6. Repeat steps from 2 to 5 to make similar for "Jobs and tasks" page.


ITMS 8.7.1, 8.7.2


Known issue.


This issue has been fixed in our ITMS 8.7.3 Release


  1. Open "Security Role Manager"
  2. Choose affected custom Security role in "Role:" drop-down menu
  3. Choose "Resources" in "View:" drop-down menu
  4. Click on root "Resource Management" folder

  5. Now click "Advanced" button on right side of Security Role Manager page

  6. Click on "NT Authority\Authenticated Users" role and un-check "Create Children" permission > save changes.