When upgrading AAI the upgrade may hang when upgrading an environment that is using a SQL Server database.
When looking at the <UpgradeFilesDir>\install\upgrade.log the logging may be stuck at the section below:
INFO [upgrade.main.UpgradeParameters] upgrade properties file is <UpgradeFilesDir>\install\properties\upgrade.properties
DEBUG [common.config.JawsDbConnectionConfigParms] URL: jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://<hostname>:<port>/AAI;ssl=request
DEBUG [common.db.DatabaseConnection] JDBC Drivers Found:
DEBUG [common.db.DatabaseConnection] net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver
DEBUG [common.db.DatabaseConnection] com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver
DEBUG [common.db.DatabaseConnection] oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
DEBUG [common.db.DatabaseConnection] url is jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://<hostname>:<port>/AAI;ssl=request
You may also notice that the AAI configuration tool does not launch.
AAI with SQL Server
Unable to connect to the database using jtds in some environments.
1. Stop the upgrade
2. Make a backup copy of the <AAI_InstallDir>\jboss\standalone\configuration\jaws.properties file
3. Comment out the two lines below:
4. Above the lines from step 2, add the following two lines:
For example:
# Comment this section if you want to use the Microsoft jdbc driver for Always On availability groups
# instead of the jtds driver
#dbms.mssql.name=SQL Server
5. Save the the file
6. Attempt the upgrade again and it should make it past this section when reviewing the upgrade.log