Delete Button In Service Point Requires All Fields to be Populated
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Delete Button In Service Point Requires All Fields to be Populated


Article ID: 379430


Updated On:


CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager CA Service Catalog


There are multiple items in the shopping cart of Service Point.

When we try to delete one of the items, the GUI shows a spinning icon that never displays a timeout or any kind of error.

Service Point logs, Browser Logs, and Service Catalog logs do not show anything helpful.

When deleting a single item from the cart, this operation is performed as expected and without error. 


Service Catalog 17.4.x

Service Point 17.4.x


Check to see if the form has been customized and if there are additional required fields.

If these required fields are not populated, the described issue will occur.


Users will need to fill out all required fields to successfully delete an item from a shopping cart with multiple items.