Linux OS Clarity user setup in properties.xml
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Linux OS Clarity user setup in properties.xml


Article ID: 379420


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


When starting Clarity app service in Linux from shell / command prompt, it is prompting for password or throwing an error for operation not permitted. The user used for Clarity has full permissions and is different from root user.

How to set up the user correctly in properties to allow for the services to start? 


properties.xml file not set up correctly for Line 11 <os user>


Make sure you set up the below properties.xml line correctly, then redeploy and restart the services.

Update the os user, group, rootUser and commandPrefix according to your exact Linux setup: 

  • Example 1:
    • Using nikuuser with full permissions and not required to log in as root:
    • <os user="nikuuser" group="staff" dbUser="oracle" dbGroup="staff" rootUser="nikuuser" commandPrefix=""/>
  • Example 2:
    • Using sudo:
      • <os user="nikuuser" group="staff" dbUser="oracle" dbGroup="staff" rootUser="root" commandPrefix="sudo"/>
      • If you use a different prefix such as su, or sudo su, specify it as commandPrefix accordingly
  • Using root as os user is not recommended for security
  • Ensure the user has full access to read/write/execute in $clarity, $java and $tomcat directories

Additionally, keep in mind that by OS limitation, only root user has access to ports below 1024 in Linux. You may have to deploy app on port 8080 before using a load balancer to offload to 80 or 443.