Running into issue when starting up the AdminUI services.
[user@server]$ ./ --debug
./standalone.conf: line 6: $'\r': command not found
': not a valid identifier: export: `JBOSS_HOME
./standalone.conf: line 11: $'\r': command not found
./standalone.conf: line 12: $'\r': command not found
./standalone.conf: line 18: $'\r': command not found
./standalone.conf: line 23: $'\r': command not found
./standalone.conf: line 60: syntax error: unexpected end of file
JBoss Bootstrap Environment
JBOSS_HOME: /siteminder/adminui
/bin/java: No such file or directorygrity/siteminder/adminui
The standalone.conf file moved from Windows server to Unix. Hence, it was not able to be read by the AdminUI startup script.
Perform dos2unix conversion of the standalone.conf file.
$dos2unix standalone.conf
Startup the AdminUI service.