Logs are not received by syslog protocol.
VMware Aria Operations for Logs 8.x
You can verify packets are reaching the internal syslog server
net-stats -l | grep <appliance_name>
pktcap-uw --switchport <Switch Port #> --dir 2 --udpdestport 514 --outfile /tmp/logs.pcap
pktcap-uw --switchport <Switch Port #> --dir 2 --dstport 514 --outfile /tmp/logs.pcap
<Switch Port #>
in the command, should be replaced with the switch port number obtained from step 3.CTRL-C
The following link lists the options for the pktcap command so you can modify the options as needed:
Capture and Trace Network Packets by Using the pktcap-uw Utility (vmware.com)