VCF HRM Scripts take an excessively long time, fail to complete, or fail with a 500 error.
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VCF HRM Scripts take an excessively long time, fail to complete, or fail with a 500 error.


Article ID: 379302


Updated On:


VMware SDDC Manager


When using the Python Module for VMware Cloud Foundation Health Monitoring in VMware Aria Operations (v2.2.0.1003 or earlier) in a large environment (in excess of 15k VM's across multiple regions/ vCenters) you may see the following behavior:

  • Data collection python scripts hang up for extended periods of time (e.g. Publish-VmConnectedCdrom does not return for 4+ hours)
  • send-data-to-vrops.log shows repeated Polling again in 30 seconds for a long period of time but ultimately fails returning the error: INFO - [] - <Response [500]>


VMware Aria Operations 8.x


Issues in communications to SOS services and other performance related scripting updates needed.
