Replace VMware Cloud Director Public/https Certificate
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Replace VMware Cloud Director Public/https Certificate


Article ID: 379244


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Director


Instructions on how to replace certificates for VMware Cloud Director 10.5.1 and above via the provider UI


VMware Cloud Director 10.5.1 and above


Self Signed:

  1. Create a Private key and a CSR:

    • openssl genrsa -out 2048; openssl req -new -key -out
  2. Create the SAN config file

    • touch v3.ext
    • Populate it with the below contents: (replace * and with the actual dns names. if there are additional SAN, add extra ", dns: FQDN" for every host name that should show up in SAN.
    • subjectKeyIdentifier   = hash
      authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid:always,issuer:always
      basicConstraints       = CA:TRUE
      keyUsage               = digitalSignature, nonRepudiation, keyEncipherment, dataEncipherment, keyAgreement, keyCertSign
      subjectAltName         =, DNS:*, DNS: DNS:, DNS:
      issuerAltName          = issuer:copy
  3. Generate Self signed certificate:

    • openssl x509 -req -in -signkey -out -days 360 -sha256 -extfile v3.ext

CA/Enterprise CA or a signed certificate authority (Digi etc.)

  1. Create a Private key and a CSR:

    • openssl genrsa -out 2048 openssl req -new -key -out
  2. Share the CSR with the Certificate authority, ensure the CA adds in SAN when signing the certificate
    EG of a CA provider:

Preparing the certificate

  1. Create a PEM file and dump the contents of the certificate in the following order:
    1. Signed certificate
    2. intermediate
    3. root

Note: For a self signed certificate, you will only have the certificate only. (no intermediate/root)
Note: ensure the certificate chain does not have a cert with sha-1 algorithm


Import the certificate to VMware Cloud Director 

  1. log in to the VMware Cloud Director  provider > Administration > certificate management > certificate library > import > import the cert .

Apply Certificate to cell nodes

  1. On the provider UI, Navigate to resources > Cloud Cells > Click on the cloud cell (one at a time).

  2. Click on endpoint Configuration > Edit.

  3. Click on the pencil icon next to ''web server" "SSL certificate" to edit. 

  4. Select the certificate that was imported in the previous step. and then click on "Use Certificate".

  5. Wait for 3-5 min for the web service to restart and then connect to the node directly (using openssl to validate if the node is presenting the new certs).
    openssl s_client -showcerts

  6. Repeat "Apply Certificate to cell nodes" on other cells.

Additional Information

Updating certificates via the provider UI is only available starting VCD 10.5.1 and above. 

Note: For Multi-cell / Load-balanced environment

  • If the SSL configuration on the Load-balancer is set to SSL terminated, then you would need to update the certificate on the respective virtual server of the load-balancer to update the public/ web certificate held by the VIP.
  • If the SSL configuration on the Load-balancer is set to SSL passthrough, then the certificate update on the load-balancer would not be required. 

Note in case of failure Renewing Certificates

  • VMware Cloud Director does not accept certificates whose signature algorithms use SHA1, for example, sha1WithRSAEncryption.
  • In rare cases, you might also append the root certificate root-CA-certificate.cer. This is not common, and generally, it is not applicable if your CA is one of the well-known certificate authorities whose certificate is distributed using the most modern browsers. Consult with your CA for more information and to determine whether you must append your root certificate. SSL Certificate Creation and Management of Your VMware Cloud Director Appliance

    cat intermediate-certificate-file-1.cer intermediate-certificate-file-2.cer >> your-http-certificate.pem