Compiling Gen Windows C User Exits
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Compiling Gen Windows C User Exits


Article ID: 379226


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Gen - Workstation Toolset Gen


In the Gen 8.6 documentation, it states the following in the instructions for compiling a Windows C User Exit.

Set Microsoft Visual Studio compiler environment variables.
Set Microsoft Visual Studio compiler environment variables. Use the %GENxx%Gen\GENENV.BAT file to help with this step.

Are there any parameters that GENENV.BAT needs?


From a Windows Command Prompt, type "genenv" or "genenv /?" to display the usage information.  Please note that [vsver] may display differently depending on the current versions of Visual Studio that is supported.


C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\Gen86\Gen>genenv

GENENV: Gen Visual Studio Runtime Environment Setup Procedure

* GENENV.BAT is used to setup your Visual Studio command line execution environment.
* Usage:
*     genenv.bat [bits] [vsver]
* Where [bits] is either 32 or 64.
*       [vsver] is either 2015, 2017, 2019 or 2022.