Importing p12 certificates on Keyservers
1. Rename the file *.pfx.
2. From Windows File Explorer double click on it.
3. The Certificate Import Wizard will open.
4. Choose to store it in the Current User store.
5. Enter the password and enable the option "Mark this key as exportable":
6. Choose to save the certificate in the Personal certificate store:
7. Right click on the Start menu and choose Run. Enter mmc.
8. From the File menu, choose Add/Remove Snap-in and load Certificates. Choose the Current User when prompted.
9. In MMC navigate to Certificates - Current User / Personal / Certificates. You will see there.
10. Right click on it and choose All Tasks / Export. The Certificate Export Wizard will start.
11. When prompted, choose "Yes, export the private key".
12. When prompted, choose not to "Include all certificates in the certification path if possible" and choose not to "Enable certificate privacy".
You must choose TripleDES-SHA1 as the Encryption, not AES256-SHA256 as per the screenshot.
13. When prompted, choose to use a password:
14. Choose the filename to export to. It will be a *.pfx file by default.
15. On the Encryption server, navigate to Keys / Trusted Keys and import the public issuing certificate(s) if they are not there already. Enable the option "Trust key for verifying SSL/TLS certificates".
16. Import the *.pfx file into the Encryption server using the password you specified when exporting from Windows.
17. Delete the certificate from MMC by right clicking on it and choosing Delete.