This article provides a sample SQL Query that can be used to provide a list of the users that have logged into the SDM Web interface.
Release : 17.*
use mdb
select [ca_contact].[userid], dateadd(S, [session_log].[login_time], '1970-01-01' ) as 'login', dateadd(S, [session_log].[logout_time], '1970-01-01' ) as 'logoff'
FROM [mdb].[dbo].[session_log]
INNER JOIN [ca_contact] ON [session_log].[contact]=[ca_contact].[contact_uuid]
order by login
The above query would be executed direct on the SQL Server MDB database via SQL Server Management Studio.
Be cautious when running any queries direct to the MDB database. Improper execution may cause a lockout of the database for the Service Desk application.