Upgrade - NSX_T_UC :UpgradeCoordinator
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Description Upgrade - NSX_T_UC example.com:UpgradeCoordinator
Progress Messages com.vmware.vcf.error.runtime.nsxt.already.upgraded.
Message: com.vmware.vcf.error.runtime.nsxt.already.upgraded
Remediation Message: NSX cluster is already upgraded. Download a new bundle (if available). Retry the upgrade, once available.
vcf_lcm,0000000000000000,0000,upgradeId=xxxx,resourceType=NSX_T_PARALLEL_CLUSTER,resourceId=af-mgt-nsx01.ad.hs1int.com:_ParallelClusterUpgradeElement,bundleElementId=xxxx] [c.v.e.s.l.p.i.nsxt.NsxtUpgradeUtil,Upgrade-2] Setting Upgrade Error for stage NSX_UPGRADE_STAGE_EDGE_POSTCHECK, error description Check overall transport node status: [Overall status of the edge transport node xxxx is DOWN.]:, remediation Check for errors in the LCM log files at x.x.x.x:/var/log/vmware/vcf/lcm, and address those errors. Please run the upgrade precheck and restart the upgrade.
DEBUG [vcf_lcm,0000000000000000,0000,upgradeId=xxxx,resourceType=NSX_T_PARALLEL_CLUSTER,resourceId:_ParallelClusterUpgradeElement,bundleElementId=xxxx] [c.v.e.s.l.d.c.u.UpgradeClientImpl,Upgrade-2] bundleSoftwareType = NSX_T_EDGE
ERROR [vcf_lcm,0000000000000000,0000,upgradeId=xxxx ,resourceType=NSX_T_PARALLEL_CLUSTER,resourceId:_ParallelClusterUpgradeElement,bundleElementId=yyyy [c.v.e.s.l.p.i.n.s.NsxtEdgeClusterParallelUpgradeStageRunner,Upgrade-2] upgrade error for resource { "errorType": "RECOVERABLE", "stage": "NSX_UPGRADE_STAGE_EDGE_POSTCHECK", "errorCode": "com.vmware.vcf.error.runtime.nsxt.edge.cluster.postcheck.failed", "errorDescription": "Check overall transport node status: [Overall status of the edge transport node xxxx is DOWN.]: , "metadata": "Check for errors in the LCM log files at x.x.x.x:/var/log/vmware/vcf/lcm, and address those errors. Please run the upgrade precheck and restart the upgrade.", "metadataAttributes": { "LCM_LOG_LOCATION": "/
var/log/vmware/vcf/lcm", "LCM_HOST_ADDRESS": "x.x.x.x" }, "referenceToken": "ABC" }
VMware Cloud Foundation 5.2
SDDC UI is not taking the target version of NSX.
Update SDDC Manager Inventory with the updated version of NSX-T Manager.
Follow the below steps to update the SDDC Manager inventory for all the upgraded NSX-T instances
curl -v -k | json_pp
Sample output
"clusterIpAddress" : "x.x.x.x",
"shared" : false,
"status" : "ACTIVE",
"version" : "<current NSX-T Version>",
"domainIds" : [
"clusterFqdn" : "vip-nsx-mgmt.example.com",
"id" : "<nsxt-entity-id>",
"nsxtClusterDetails" : [
"ipAddress" : "x.x.x.x",
"vmName" : "nsx-mgmt-1",
"fqdn" : "nsx-mgmt-1.example.com",
"id" : "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx1b90"
curl -v -k<nsxt-entity-id> -X PATCH -d '{"type":"NSXT_CLUSTER","status":"ACTIVE","version":"<correct version>"}' -H 'Content-Type:application/json'