Understanding webconsole/thin console support.
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Understanding webconsole/thin console support.


Article ID: 379142


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VMware Smart Assurance VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance


Understanding webconsole/thin console support in Smarts. 

When console is launched using thin console or using URL http://<SAM_IP>:<Port>/webconsole/InChargeApplet.html, users would see Domain Manager Web Console banner but no way they can connect to DM, see image:

However, downloading jnlp using http://<SAM_IP>:<Port>/webconsole/globalConsoleCached.html would work.


Smarts - 10.1.x 

TCSA - 2.x


Java Applet is now not supported by any newer version of browsers due to security reasons.


The latest generation of browsers stopped supporting JavaApplets for security reasons. Smarts Console was also using the similar mechanism to launch the thin client from browser.

Due to security reasons, launching Smarts Console thin client using JavaApplets from browser is not supported going forward. Future Smarts version will not support downloading .jnlp file.

Users are recommended to use Native Console available for Windows and Linux. Users can download the Console installer from Broadcom_Support_Portal.

Windows:  Service Assurance Manager (SAM) Console <Version> software download for Windows.

Linux: Service Assurance Manager (SAM) Console <Version> software download for Linux.