During the vCenter installation, upgrade, or restore process via the VCSA UI installer, several options may appear to be missing
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During the vCenter installation, upgrade, or restore process via the VCSA UI installer, several options may appear to be missing


Article ID: 379124


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


When upgrading or installing a vCenter Server using the vCenter UI installer, the user is unable to select a datastore for the installation of the new vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA).

As shown in the screenshot below, the datastore selection field appears blank:

This issue also appears when selecting deployment sizes during the vCenter installation, upgrade, or restore process. Deployment sizes that were previously available (e.g., Tiny, Small, etc.) may no longer be visible.



VMware vCenter Server 7.x
VMware vCenter Server 8.x


This issue arises when upgrading, installing, or restoring the vCenter Server multiple times on the same local system. The Windows roaming profile retains the data in a cached state, causing the problem.


  • In the Windows machine where the vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA) UI installer was previously run, navigate to the Windows search bar -> "Run" -> %Appdata% -> Click Ok

  • Delete the folder named "vcsa-ui-installer"

  • Rerun the VCSA installer.