VM Operations fail on auto-deployed vSphere 8.0U3 hosts with the error message "License Key has expired. Please install a valid License to use this product"
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VM Operations fail on auto-deployed vSphere 8.0U3 hosts with the error message "License Key has expired. Please install a valid License to use this product"


Article ID: 379119


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server VMware vSphere ESXi VMware vSphere ESXi 8.0 VMware vCenter Server 8.0


Even though the licenses applied to the ESXi hosts are valid, some hosts in the cluster display license-related error messages when performing tasks such as VM power-on or migrations.

The following error is displayed in the vCenter UI:

"License key has expired. Please install a valid license to use this product"

The ESXi host client and vCenter UI show a mismatch between the license assigned to the host. in the below locations:

  • vCenter: Host --> Configure --> System --> Licensing
  • Host UI: Manage --> Licensing 


VMware vCenter 8.0.3

VMware vSphere ESXi 8.0.3

ESXi hosts which were created using Auto-Deploy


This is caused by a recent change in auto-deploy with the way ESXi calculates the remaining time left on the evaluation license.


  • The fix will be included in version of vCenter Server 8.0.3 P05
  • To workaround this issue after it has already occurred on an auto-deployed ESXi host, reboot the ESXi hosts, ensuring they disconnect and reconnect in the vCenter while doing so.


Note: If the previous workaround from this article was applied to a stateless ESXi host which had not experienced the issue, then its possible that the problem will occur on this host if it is rebooted within the original evaluation period.

Additional Information

Please note that this KB is applicable only for scenarios wherein the mismatch is present. if there is no mismatch, create a non-technical SR with the GCA team to check the licenses.
