There is an encoding mismatch between the elements and the Endevor settings
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There is an encoding mismatch between the elements and the Endevor settings


Article ID: 379084


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After updating the code page settings user is receiving the following error :| Messages: | 

- The push event was not processed because the validation failed. |  - There is an encoding mismatch between the elements and the Endevor settings. |  - YOUR/ PATH/TO/ELEMENT/NAME.type-

There is an encoding mismatch between the elements and the Endevor settings. | Branches: |  - ENVIRON: Synchronize Git update |  -ENVIRONM-revert/BRANCH_NAME/20241004/6b48d45: Revert Branch 2024-10-04 17:52:30.688  INFO 716459 --- [pool-2-thread-6]   : Sending notification message '[Bridge for Git] Endevor synchronization - FAILED (path-to/ branchname- ENVIRONM)to user ID=XXXXXX


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Endevor WebServices



When changing the code page settings of web services, Element corruption can occur if any Elements have already been retrieved using the old code page setting once these Elements are later added back to Endevor through web services with the new code page setting.

Such elements might be found in the following locations:

  • Git repositories cloned by Endevor Bridge for Git

Workspaces of IDEs with Endevor access (using Zowe CLI, the Eclipse plugin, or Endevor Explorer)


If invalid encoding for one or more elements is detected during synchronization process, Bridge for Git reverts the changes and creates a revert branch that is followed by refresh in order to retrieve the latest versions of failed elements from Endevor with the correct encoding.

  1. The user can then follow a preferred merging strategy to merge changes from the revert branch back into the main mapping branch and trigger a new Sync process.
  2. Mapping administrator can also proactively force a refresh of all elements to correct the encoding. Note that this process will retrieve latest version with the correct encoding of all the elements in the branch.


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