Possible symptoms:
After browsing to the Capacity tab of a Cluster Compute resource objects in Aria Operations, you find that the values displayed for Disk Space do not match the values given in the vCenter Summary for the same cluster.
Example: Aria Operations Capacity tab for Cluster Compute resource:
Example: vCenter Summary for Cluster:
Aria Operations 8.x
The Disk Space figures given on the Aria Operations Capacity tab for a cluster do not match the figures in the vCenter summary as the metrics shown on this tab are based on Capacity Analytics Generated Metrics
Capacity analytics uses the capacity engine to analyze historical utilization and generate projected utilization.
The engine takes the Demand and Usable Capacity (Total Capacity - HA - buffer) metrics as input and calculates the output metrics that belong to the capacity analytics generated metrics group.
For example, see the metric definition for Capacity Analytics Generated|Disk Space|Demand|Capacity Remaining (GB):
Published on Cluster Compute Resource. The max point between the usable capacity and the projected utilization between now and three days into the future.
The values given on the Capacity tab will NOT match the vCenter summary values as they are based on the projected utilization three days into the future.
Note: If you would like to see values which match the vCenter summary, you should use the following metrics instead:
Disk Space|Utilization
Disk Space|Total Capacity